Tukdam-Meditation and explanation

Covenant. So we can translate the word tukdam (thugs Dam) denoting the property of an ally called Yidam (Yi Dam/Yid dam). Otherwise we can understand this word tukdam as a spiritual bond (literally) and deification (meaning). This is the fundamental meaning of the Covenant.

It is the property of a person called an ally-the force of Spajająca a believer with God.

This fundamental meaning of tukdam means, therefore, the kind of promise, oath, agreement, consent.
In this way, we hear in prayer often recited by the followers of Bon:

The gathering of happy and peaceful gods,
Fill the Covenant.
The development of gods,
Fill the Covenant.
The gathering of the governmental gods,
Fill the Covenant.
The gathering of the raw gods,
Fill the Covenant.
The gathering of thoughtful wrathful,
Fill the Covenant.
Collection of bright mothers,
Fill the Covenant.
Siłacze, soldiers and great kings,
Fill the Covenant.
Treasury and guardians of the word,
Fill the Covenant.
Emissaries and employees,
Fill the Covenant.
Noble Earth Doctors,
Fill the Covenant.
Eight branches of violent gods,
Fill the Covenant.
Citizens of the country,
Fill the Covenant.
Six Wanderers families,
Fill the Covenant.
By the fluttering decorations of the sky
Fill the Covenant.
By the sound heard in the air
Fill the Covenant.
By the peaceful sanctification of the substrate
Fill the Covenant.
Uspokójcie circumstances and difficulties.
Obdarzcie the highest and ordinary perfection
By the blessing of the fulfillment of the Covenant,

And by us, believers and friends, brothers and sisters.

Another meaning of Tukdam is spiritual action, exercise, asceticism. It seems that it refers to the above meaning of the Covenant as a promise. When we fill the Covenant, it is acting, and in the footsteps of the same covenant, it can be understood as acting.

Tukdam is also a delight, thinking. In this sense, it is said about the rest of the Covenant or life in the Covenant (Thugs Dam La Bzhugs), which appears to be close to the Christian concept of being in the Holy Spirit. It is worth noting that the word Tukdam could also translate as the Holy Spirit, if we read the second element of it, not as a noun, but a dam adjective, meaningful as much as the Holy One. Tuk (thugs) is a spirit (from the UK (dbugs), breathing, breath), and Dam (dam) is a bond or a saint. The word Tukdam can mean in this case either a spiritual bond or the Holy Spirit.

The meaning of the Covenant as a delight or thought is also used for those who have died, but show signs of consciousness after death, such as sitting in an upright posture.



In addition, Tukdam is also understood as a divination, a study, an estimation, a test. It is possible that this meaning refers more to deification. It is known that the person in such a covenant – the person Przebóstwiona – is able to proclaim the truth outside the area of his own, acquired messages.

Others still mean Tukdam is hope, desire, desire. It is also present in the prayer given above, where it is asked to fill the Covenant. So fill the Covenant – Spełnijcie my dream. Obiecaliście help in my endeavors. Now I ask you for help-fill in the Covenant, as agreed.

Jacob Szukalski


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